Jul 10, 2011

8. Development of the spirit machine

(Please read old posts along the order from the Archive)

( Feb. 2,15 2002)

- Purpose of the spirit machine -

Unification of religion by understanding the true nature of God

Unity of religion and science by understanding the eternal life and humans value.

- ow to develop of the machine -

According to Unification thought and Divine Principle

God Created human being to be the mediator and the center of harmony of the cosmos.
The ability to communicate between the two worlds. A radio or television transforms invisible waves into perceptible images and sounds.

1. Development of the transducer to receive massage from spirit world

I need to research for the transformer from spirit world, into wave,light,sound,etc.

2. Development of the system to help humans five senses

Because of the humans fall, we lost five senses.

We can see creatures, they can see something that we can not see, they can hear some sound that we can not hear, they can see some light that we can not see,
also they can feel some vibration or magnetic forces then they know where they are. They have some ability like this.

It is possible some highly electronic technology can help humans five senses to develop.

I am convinced development of this system to communicate with spirit world is possible.

Process of spirit machine until now.

Spirit machine by electronic system is known as "Instrumental Transcommunication, ITC".
This system is developed about 100 years ago. Specialized receiving voice from spirit world was call as "Electronic Voice Phenomena, EVP, Many people in many places they are keep developing this system.
There no noise in spirit world that can be sent as substantial sound, then in physical world need set up system to make noise, Drum is one transformer to make sound that was known.

Developing electric system, "White Noise " is using now days.
"White Noise" Mean when we received some noise without channel, we can hear noise making "za za za". This a noise most popular we know.

following the home page for spiritual study.






The following is the traditional way. (Example)

Set up system, set up one speaker receiving white noise, another microphone 1m apart recording noise.
then we communicate with spirit world.
first speaker catch noise from spirit world white noise change noise to word. we can hear word through microphone.

Problems of this system is voice from spirit world, white noise can not can well, we are hard to understand voice from spirit world.
We can hear some noise sample from spirit world in some homepage.

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