Sep 14, 2011

11. The next step is to develop the 4th spirit machine

- Currently, the chyuwa institute is working on this machine. -

This 4th machine is being developed based on the idea that humans may have extra senses beyond the five human senses we are aware of. Before the human fall, humankind lived in the original environment created by God. God prepared some sort of a good communication system with his children.I believe this. The 4th machine is being developed specifically to extend human hearing. There is a wide range of wavelengths that cannot be heard.Through this device one can hear the world of sounds that are normally heard by animals alone. Through animals we can learn a lot. By examining the world of sound with a spiritualist I believe that it is possible to communicate with the spirit world. (2001/12/24)

A recent breakthrough in prayer has shown that "shape" is an important communication device in the spirit world. Until now, looking into "form" has not been the main focus. So far we have seen that in the spiritual world there is good application of sound effects and electromagnetic effects, such as mechanical effects. The 3rd machine focused on sound effects. However, by researching sound affects we realized what was wrong. What we found was that success to this project does not follow the logic of modern science. The success of the communication device is practically a revolution against modern science.However, I would not change any values ​​in science today. When considered from this perspective, once again, I felt the need to return my thinking to the root of existence, and gave in to prayer.

I found that "shape" has alot to do with communication with the spirit world.

And it is mainly through the attributes of being positive, proved to the world of phenomena that appear to say that when you take the form of a negative, a positive must appear.

The successful development of this communication device should be a testament to Rev. Moon's statement about God's heart. His statement must revealed the world.

There are a few symbols used in the Unification church that may give insight into building this machine. An example of such a symbol is the Unification flag.

I need to understand the meaning of the Unification flag. Within the planar pattern of Unification flag, I believe there is a three-dimensional structure hidden. The structure of the flag may tell me more about the spirit world.

Although there are difficulties so far we seen positive results . These difficulties are not difficulties with modern science, rather they are difficulties with working with the spirit world. It is challenging to work with the spirit world because a constant sincere attitude as well as complete dedication is required. Many believe that communication with the spirit world will be possible soon.

With the completion of this machine anyone may come to know the spirit world. The scientists who were able to recognize the eternal world have come to understand that this knowledge comes with great responsibility. Rather than separating, religion and science, have opened the way to achieve true happiness and peace for mankind.

If God exists even while death and war prevail, unfortunately mankind would most likely want to take a separate path from God. Recently, Rev. Moon explained that the spirit world will help to develop the world's broadcasting system, thereby bringing great blessing to this system. Hence, the reason to complete this sensing device to spirit world is that God and immortality can be reached through science and technology. There should be ways to communicate with the spirit world. Studies have been attempted before but we must be the ones to be accomplish this machine. This machine will be able to show us God's truth and testify to what Rev. Moon has been advocating.

The idea was to produce sound using the sound energy of the ground field. The spirit world is able to send out vibrations. The main idea is to convert these vibrations into sound wavelengths. However, thus far this has been unsuccessful because the world's vibrations have been interfering with understanding the spirit world's vibrations. It is very difficult to determine just the voice of the spirit world. Therefore, I studied how to distinguish the voice of the spirit world and the world of sound and the ground. Since we could not sufficiently distinguish the sounds with white noise, we have been using ultrasound. The idea is to capture the change of state in the sense of space. I have been quite successful with this method.

Rev. Moon said: "you need a partnership that owns and spiritual power."

Scientists studying the spiritual world must actively exchange and join research with other scientists with similar interests.

Please visit the site presenting the world's science and research with the spirit world.

Experimental 4th spirit machine.

• The home page opens (which is currently established in 2011 following the blog)

Jul 22, 2011

10. Meeting with Dr. Lee in spirit world

- Through Lady Dr. Kim in year 2000 -
In symposium of the Unification Thought in Korea I gave report of the spirit machine. 
After this meeting I visited Dr. Kim who is mediator for Dr. Lee. 
I gave report of the spirit machine to Dr. Kim this was same report that gave in symposium.

1. Report of the development of the spirit machine.
2. Report of the  responsibility of this machine 
   a. testify of the existence of the spirit world
   b. testify of the Unification Thought
   c. testify of the God's existence, nature of God  and humans eternal life.
3.  Report of the myself to grow spiritual 5 senses in order to development of machine.
4.  My understanding of the relationship of the spirit machine and my five sense.
5.  Because of humans fall we lost spiritual senses that machine can help humans spiritual sense
     to grow.

     "This is my  report of the machine. Do you think this is right attitude?"

Lady Dr. Kim
     " I knew You are going to report of the spirit machine in this meeting. Your attitude was right"

     "Could you give me a advice about mediator between spirit world and physical world
     in order to make spirit machine"                       

Lady Dr. Kim
     " I like to tell you of the relationship between spirit world and physical world maybe 
     this help to your work.
     I understood when Rev. Moon gave speech, spirit world is going to response, 
     nobody can  do this.
     We could not think about report from spirit world that we are receiving now. 
     When I started to make report of the Rev. Moon's speech to spirit world,
     religious people in spirit world who are Christian,  Muslim and other religion 
     are started gathering for listening.
     Four saints are attending  Divine Principle seminar also  people in spirit world 
     are gathering for seminar to join.
     I understood, Rev. Moon can mobilized the spirit world  I don't know yet system in spirit world
     how  can He organize  and motivate those in Spirit World.
     For example, how works between St, Augustin and Rev. Kan, Socrates 
     and President Kim who can have marriage life.    
     Communication between spirit world and physical world need good hearty relationship  
     same as radio is receiving right frequency      

Lady Dr. Kim said  "Dr. Lee is here"

   In this time,  I was thinking around in order to develop of the spirit machine  maybe
   I  need some mediator help to me.

Dr. Lee
  "Who can help to develop spirit machine, not excellent scientist nor spiritualist in spirit world 
   and physical world. 
   whoever knows God heart, following Gods heart 100%, they can help to develop.
   You may not think you are doing it. Only God and spirit world can make it through you.
   Now you are only keeping  yourself as your worry.

   God made relationship between Lee myself and Lady Dr. Kim. 
    It took long time starting to communicate each other.
   Upon which  your hard work and  sincere prayer,  I'll help to you.
   Now I can not say anything to physical world to help to you, 
   When time comes I will prepare people for you.
   I can not help  you 100% from spirit world also because we need good unity  in spirit world
   and physical world. 
   As you know, making one machine, even one peace of screw is missing can not complete.
   I can not see yet unification of heartistic relationship with spirit world.

    (When Lady Dr. Kim is receiving the word, her face is little up giving nod of agreement 
      to Dr. Lee. She said to me before, communicating  with him in spirit world is same 
    as telephone conversation. I understand now to attend this atmosphere.)

    I have been doing  120times bow in every day for this machine to develop as my condition.
    Is this enough?"

Dr. Lee
    Pledge service and prayer are important in heavenly life, but heart is center. 
    God is not happy to  set up condition be hurtful to the health or forced donation,
    God is not angry to you because you can not keep the bow sometime.
    Sincerity is most important in your life.

    (Sometime I missed pledge service at 5 o'clock, some time do not change close ether, 
    I apologized to God " I am sorry  God. please forgive me as your child.)

    Dr. Lee said to me "God  told me one day."  " My child feel free in front of me,
    give me report  sitting comfortable chair and keep yourself  warm.
     "  Dr' Lee told another topic  "When you hurry to leave house "Bye Good" 
    wave your hand to prayer room"

Lady Dr. Kim
    When you had a important mission from Rev. Moon, Set up condition against Satan,                      
    Satan is trying to invade you watching you all the time.
    You may not think. "I am the one, must do it" God is do it through you.

    I asked Rev. Moon onetime " I need some advice from you in order to develop spirit machine"
    Rev. Moon said to me " You are professional" 
    Now I know I shouldn't ask to Rev. Moon that kind of question.

Lady Dr, Kim
   Do you have some experiences, Satan had invaded to you?

    Yes, In Wlguai, I was preparing for exhibition I fell down from stone wall.

Lady Dr. Kim
    Satan is trying to kill me sometime. God said to me "You must win against Satan. 
    This is a mission as your  responsibility that I gave to you"
    Same as spirit machine is your responsibility that God gave to you, 
  Pray and wait the time comes. You may not think "Why me?" Accept your mission. 
    Bible told us "Holy Spirit is coming down to you"
    Make your mind strongly following  to God's Will even you can not make it right now.
    Myself after I received this mission I was slow to follow but Rev. Moon's  Will never change. 
     "This is your mission."

Lady Dr. Kim
    Do you understand Dr, Lee's existence sometime?

    Yes, sometime I feel in prayer room.

Lady Dr. Kim
    One lady got cancer who asked seriously to Dr. Lee to heal, her cancer was healed.
    Dr. Lee said "I did it, I healed her cancer" This was first time Dr, Lee said "I did it"
    Now in spirit world, Dr. Lee is asking around someone to be a messenger to physical world. 
    He is looking for 120 people in spirit world to take this mission.   
    I have strong determination to carry out my mission that God gave to me.   
    Now I set up my determination to take care of 120 people who are going to send massage 
    from spirit world.
    Rev. Moon told me "After accomplish this responsibility you can go to the spirit world.
    If you can not, you must do it returning on this earth,"
    I made my determination more and more strong to do my mission that Rev. Moon gave to me.
    Dr. Lee in spirit world who is working hard to teach  Divine Principle to people. 
    They are not  easy to accept.
    Thinking about his hard work in there I can not say "I am tired"
    Our heart must unite in spirit world and physical world as if radio can catch right frequency.    
    Have a deep medication, scientist in spirit world are going to help you. 
    You can make it. Do not worry.

Jul 16, 2011

9. Development of First Spirit Machine

Preparation to start development

For successful of development of spirit machine, I wanted to set up right attitude to communicate with spirit world that they can help to me.
I like to show you my preparation before I started to work with spirit machine.

1. Hoon Dok Hwe

2. 120 times bows

3. prayer

4. work with spirit machine ( five minute)

5. checking  result that voice from spirit world.

System of spirit machine

I used "white noise" as transformer that noise from spirit world same time I  developed special system  to receive noise from spirit world  more clear.


 Wooden box is acoustic box this received noise from spirit world.
 Left front metal box is the voice amplifier.
 Small black machine is for  recording

How to work

Noise from spirit world come through 2 microphone are set up in acoustic box,
2 noises came through microphone A and B are subtraction in voice differential amp - 2nd voice amplifier -  recording system.
Case -no noise from spirit world - noise from spirit world through 2 microphone was subtracted and disappear.
Case- One microphone was received noise. -  second voice amplifier  make expand this noise from spirit world.

"White Noise" get into  microphone A and B, -  voice amplifier - differential amp - "voice from spirit world."- voice amplifier

Lesson by First spirit machine

  It was not easy to erase white noise completely in differential amp that  white noise was keep making noise until last place made   trouble to hear voice from spirit world.

 Improvement, Use super sonic wave instead of White Noise as reason 1. easy to erase noise in differential amp, 2. when system is working super sonic wave does not base for humans ear to keep quiet in working area.

 Recording system -  It is ideal to record high frequency in order to catch small change. Even available to try spectral analysis.

Jul 10, 2011

8. Development of the spirit machine

(Please read old posts along the order from the Archive)

( Feb. 2,15 2002)

- Purpose of the spirit machine -

Unification of religion by understanding the true nature of God

Unity of religion and science by understanding the eternal life and humans value.

- ow to develop of the machine -

According to Unification thought and Divine Principle

God Created human being to be the mediator and the center of harmony of the cosmos.
The ability to communicate between the two worlds. A radio or television transforms invisible waves into perceptible images and sounds.

1. Development of the transducer to receive massage from spirit world

I need to research for the transformer from spirit world, into wave,light,sound,etc.

2. Development of the system to help humans five senses

Because of the humans fall, we lost five senses.

We can see creatures, they can see something that we can not see, they can hear some sound that we can not hear, they can see some light that we can not see,
also they can feel some vibration or magnetic forces then they know where they are. They have some ability like this.

It is possible some highly electronic technology can help humans five senses to develop.

I am convinced development of this system to communicate with spirit world is possible.

Process of spirit machine until now.

Spirit machine by electronic system is known as "Instrumental Transcommunication, ITC".
This system is developed about 100 years ago. Specialized receiving voice from spirit world was call as "Electronic Voice Phenomena, EVP, Many people in many places they are keep developing this system.
There no noise in spirit world that can be sent as substantial sound, then in physical world need set up system to make noise, Drum is one transformer to make sound that was known.

Developing electric system, "White Noise " is using now days.
"White Noise" Mean when we received some noise without channel, we can hear noise making "za za za". This a noise most popular we know.

following the home page for spiritual study.

The following is the traditional way. (Example)

Set up system, set up one speaker receiving white noise, another microphone 1m apart recording noise.
then we communicate with spirit world.
first speaker catch noise from spirit world white noise change noise to word. we can hear word through microphone.

Problems of this system is voice from spirit world, white noise can not can well, we are hard to understand voice from spirit world.
We can hear some noise sample from spirit world in some homepage.

Jul 9, 2011

7. 40 days condition for machine to develop

(Please read old posts along the order from the Archive)

After coming back to Japan, I followed God's guidance to set up 40 days condition in 3/9 '00 to 4/14.
It was 120 minutes hundokhwe prayer and donation.
Specially about donation God told me "even though you don't have money, somebody can help you as support"
During this 40 dyes condition, we made sure about purpose of this machine to developer is [This machine must be a testify God and True Parents to mankind]
This determination came to our heart very strongly.

「After 40 days」

After 40 days condition, I made report to God through Mrs.Kim Eijunn who is mediator for Dr. Lee. from Spirit world.
God told me " You chose 12 people you can trust and ask them to keep pray until accomplish to make spirit machine.
Then money that you made as donation to offer to this 12 people. They can donate or use this money.

I like to introduce Father's speech during this 40 days condition.

「Fathers speech」
" The Spirit World Must Be Known"
The reason I told that special team to carry out a research project is because science is now highly advanced. I asked them to do research on the frequency that enables contact with the spirit world. The motions in the spirit world are all made up of vibrations. I instructed them to research this because we have entered an age where the existence of the spirit world can be scientifically proven.
This can be done by discovering the frequency of vibrations used by spiritualists when they contact the spirit world. After I gave a full explanation about the spirit world to them, their eyes were wide open with surprise. That is why, yesterday, I explained in what manner the psychological process is related to the physical and spirit worlds. It is said that the psyche puts into effect an absolute force. People only know one side of the question of why this is so. Electricity is created through the interaction between plus and minus. They don’t know that it is the same phenomenon, when force is manifested by the plus and minus within that circle of relationship. Therefore, if we delve into this area, a world of new dimensions will be found. When we enter the age where the unknown spirit world can be rationally understood, the age of religion will be brought to an end. It would be an age where humankind would believe in God even if they were told not to. This is a great task. (134-239, 1985.7.20)

12 people's foundation of prayer for spirit machine was ready and started prayer condition.
This is a letter, I send to them.」

"Dear my friend

This is a history about spirit machine that Father asked me to develop
Following Gods guidance through Mrs Kim, I asked you to be a foundation for prayer to develop spirit machine .

Mostly people knows now the day that human history is coming to the end.
Because of this age, communication with spirit world through spirit machine to develop is very important.
Technically to develop this machine is not easy but more than that relationship with spirit world is more important to make this system's success.

Insert message from Dr. Lee

According to this massage, making deep spiritual relationship with God,Hung Jin nim and Dr. Lee's is the key to success of spirit machine.

insert Dr.Lee's massage 4-138

This massage from spirit world tales us sending massage to us need serious condition that Hung jin nim, De
 mo nim.Cyumo nim maid also same as Hungmo, Mrs.Kim in physical world.
Knowing their effort We understand how difficult to make relationship between spirit world and physical world.

Dear friend, please understand, As spiritually, you are one of the member of Cyuwa research Institute,
please offer deep prayer for success of spirit machine.

May God and True Parent's blessing to you.

president of Cyuwa

6. Letter from God, Hun Jin nim and Dr. Lee

(Please read old posts along the order from the Archive)

Letter from God in Feb. 27, 1999

To Kamimura

My sun I love
My sun I love
My sun I love

Mighty God Yhwn give you order.

True Parents gave you mission, because you can make it He never give you order that you can not do it.
Therefore go back to Japan to set up 40 dyes prayer condition.
pray to this

[Please God stay with me, use myself for your purpose to accomplished.]
people in this world unless to understand of the spirit world, they can not get life.
Try your best for their salvation.

Set up small indemnity condition, this is 40 days prayer condition and donation. Upon your sincerity God and ancestor help to you.

Letter from Heung Jin nim in Feb. 27, 1999

Mr. Kamimura, I like to tell you.

Rev. Moon gave special mission to you therefore upon your sincerity spirit world help you.
Please delicate yourself and invest in the understanding of the spirit world that people can not see.
God said to help you that mean sprite world must help you.
I ask you to work hard.
I , Heung Jin help you also.

Letter from Dr. Lee in Feb. 2 27 1999

Dr.Mr. Kamimura

I am Dr. Lee
I am appreciation for your hard work of the spirit machine.

Even though science and civilization is highly developed , many people can not understand invisible spirit world.
Whether they understand or not, everybody must go to spirit world.
This is the biggest reality for mankind.

I sent many massages about spirit world to people that I invested a lot but many people on earth
they are not so enthusiastic to understand the spirit world.

We pray for you support you to make excellent machine upon your sincerity.

6. Letter from God, Hun Jin nim and Dr. Lee

(Please read old posts along the order from the Archive)

Letter from God in Feb. 27, 1999

To Kamimura

My sun I love
My sun I love
My sun I love

Mighty God Yhwn give you order.

True Parents gave you mission, because you can make it He never give you order that you can not do it.
Therefore go back to Japan to set up 40 dyes prayer condition.
pray to this

[Please God stay with me, use myself for your purpose to accomplished.]
people in this world unless to understand of the spirit world, they can not get life.
Try your best for their salvation.

Set up small indemnity condition, this is 40 days prayer condition and donation. Upon your sincerity God and ancestor help to you.

Letter from Heung Jin nim in Feb. 27, 1999

Mr. Kamimura, I like to tell you.

Rev. Moon gave special mission to you therefore upon your sincerity spirit world help you.
Please delicate yourself and invest in the understanding of the spirit world that people can not see.
God said to help you that mean sprite world must help you.
I ask you to work hard.
I , Heung Jin help you also.

Letter from Dr. Lee in Feb. 2 27 1999

Dr.Mr. Kamimura

I am Dr. Lee
I am appreciation for your hard work of the spirit machine.

Even though science and civilization is highly developed , many people can not understand invisible spirit world.
Whether they understand or not, everybody must go to spirit world.
This is the biggest reality for mankind.

I sent many massages about spirit world to people that I invested a lot but many people on earth
they are not so enthusiastic to understand the spirit world.

We pray for you support you to make excellent machine upon your sincerity.

5. A meeting with Dr.Kim

(Please read old posts along the order from the Archive)

IN 1999, We had a meeting with Lady Dr. Kim Eijunn professor of Sun Moon University who are known as mediator to Dr. Lee in spirit world. This meeting was very excited special meeting with her.

As soon as introduced each other, Lady Dr. Kim said to me. "Dr. I ( former president of Sun Moon University) asked me to set up for 3 days prayer condition so I had a sincere 3 days prayer. After this prayer I received 3 letterers from God, Heung Jin nim and Dr. Lee in spirit world.

Dr. I translated this 3 letterers from spirit world, I was so amazed, hole my body was shaken.
Also Lady Dr. Kim received this letter from spirit world was just time my meeting was over with Rev. Moon. in Hang Nam Don center.

Lady Dr. Kim told me again.
"You received a letter from Heung Jin nim, this is very rare not only that God gave you a letter also. This made me surprised."

She was watching my demonstration of the spirit machine seriously, she started listening for some message from spirit world, then she told me "This machine must set up cycle with God directly not someone else in spirit world."

I received this massage my goal to purpose of spirit machine became more higher than before.

4. Process of Development

(Please read old posts along the order from the Archive)

- Report to Rev.Moon -

In November 8 1999, Still my machine was not completed yet, but I made demonstration to Rev. & Dr. Moon in "True Children's day" at Cheong Pyeong training center.

When I was explaining of this machine, Mrs. Moon run to come out from her room and seriously listening my explanation.
I knew. Her expectation of this machine was very big if she can communicate with her children in spirit world.
I felt very sorry to her to and push myself to accomplish this system as soon as possible.

Demo nim's guidance

In February 23 2000, Proofed machine once and twice I made 3rd machine this is more developed.
We gave demonstration in cheong pyeong at True Parents birthday
This result of demonstration was not enough that we expected.
This time we had a great honor that Daemo nim gave us suggestion.
1. Good time for testing is 11pm to 2am
2. You need quiet place to machine test.
Cheong Pyeong is not place to test for machine yet. You go to look around right place.
Good sprints are getting increase but many evil spirit are still a lots. Evil spirits, they have strong resentment therefore they are broking communication with spirit world.